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Nov 15, 20222 min read
MLK Tapes: What We’ve Learned About the Interests Fighting Unity and Organized Labor
“It's a matter of history now. With the podcast, it's not in a book somewhere that's just gonna sit in a library and nobody's gonna read...

Oct 12, 20223 min read
Working 9 to 5 A Women’s Movement, a Labor Union, and Iconic Movie with Ellen Cassedy
“Sexual harassment was completely legal. Pregnancy discrimination was legal...We held these bad boss contests. Where the first winner was...

Oct 10, 20221 min read
Bwando Farms Growing Good Food in Zambia with Conrad Bwalya
“We tend to be so lucky in Zambia and Africa because much of the land that we own, most people just inherit it. You don't buy it. And and...

Aug 23, 20222 min read
Fighting for a Better Future with Labor Journalist Hamilton Nolan - Labor Solidarity Podcast
“Thousands of journalists across the country have been through their own union drives in the past five years or so. And it changes...

Jul 29, 20222 min read
Michael Gene Sullivan of the San Francisco Mime Troupe - Artist Works
“Being an artist is a constant chase. But most importantly, never sell out. Because once you sell your soul, you can never get it back.”

Jul 18, 20221 min read
Mexico and U.S. Labor Solidarity Lessons Learned with Robin Alexander
his new e-book by retired UE Director of International Affairs Robin Alexander tells the story of the partnership between the United Electri

Jul 13, 20222 min read
Ain’t I A Woman? Reverend Addie Wyatt on Sojourner Truth
“I born 13 children and seen almost all sold off into slavery.”
Addie L. Wyatt (March 8, 1924 – March 28, 2012) was a leader in the United

Jul 12, 202210 min read
JFK On Revolution - March 13, 1962
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.”

Jul 9, 20222 min read
What Is Your Life's Blueprint? Martin Luther King Jr. Speech Excerpt - October 26, 1967
“Your blueprint must be a commitment to the eternal principles, of beauty, love and justice.”

Jul 6, 20221 min read
Jazz Lewis - Delegate Representing District 24 - Maryland House of Delegates
“In my legislative district, between the Northern tip of [Maryland] to the Southern tip, I represent 135,000 people…there's a 20 year life."

Jun 24, 20222 min read
The Coalition of Labor Union Women Response to the Supreme Court Decision on Roe v. Wade.
"We will mobilize millions of women across the country to exercise their right to vote out any elected official who stands in the way of...

Jun 22, 20221 min read
Labor On The Airwaves at Labor Notes
“If you're thinking about trying to start a podcast or a radio show, don't think about doing it all yourself, This is a collective...

Jun 21, 20221 min read
“Billionaires have got to go! F—k Jeff Bezos!”
“When you come to the fight with organized labor, if you are corporate America, and you want to take us on, or you are a crooked...

Jun 20, 20221 min read
Voices from Labor Notes Conference 2022 - Labor Radio Podcast Daily
There are over 4,000 folks at the 2022 Labor Notes conference in Chicago and the Labor Radio Podcast Network team talked to almost all of...

Jun 15, 20221 min read
Rockin’ the Philadelphia Museum of Art
"I deserve to eat. I deserve to get the wages I deserve this opportunity to provide for my family as well." Erica Stewart - Boilermakers...

Jun 14, 20221 min read
Spiritual and Global Solidarity
"There's another vision of the way things could be. And I think that's where the church and labor and so many of the movements that are...

Jun 7, 20222 min read
Richard DeShay Elliott - Candidate District 24 Maryland House of Delegates
“The amount of money they paid these anti-union lawyers...It's an insult to spend money against somebody when you could have spent less...

May 30, 20224 min read
The Water Defenders: How Ordinary People Saved A Country from Corporate Greed - Book Talks
“Water is an issue that can unite people. Water is life. Their slogans were always very powerfully pro water, less anti mining. And...

May 6, 20221 min read
Christian Smalls Amazon Labor Union, Senate hearing on Taxes Going to Companies Violating Labor Laws
Christian Smalls, Amazon Labor Union President, delivers his opening statement before the Senate Budget Committee, hearing on “Taxpayer...

Mar 31, 20222 min read
The Future We Need by Erica Smiley & Sarita Gupta - Harmony of Interest Book Talks
In The Future We Need, Erica Smiley and Sarita Gupta bring a novel perspective to building worker power and what labor organizing could...
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