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Steven Pitts host of Black Work Talk - LRPN Spotlight Series

“...in the red scare was a kind of the fissure between civil rights and labor...we're going to strengthen both movements in many ways…”

Black Work Talk is an Organizing Upgrade podcast created by host Steven Pitts where he focuses on building the collective power of Black workers. Across his platform, he features conversations with union and worker center leaders, organizers, rank-and-file worker activists, and advocates about their fight against the intertwined evils of racism and capitalism.

Steven Pitts retired from the UC Berkeley Labor Center in 2020 where he focused on leadership development and Black worker issues. While there, he produced several reports on Black workers and job quality; launched a Black union leadership school; and co-founded the National Black Worker Center – a network of Black worker centers around the country.

“...it's hard because the federal government is fundamentally against what we're doing making it harder to do good union organizing.”

Steven Pitts came to the Labor Center in August of 2001 from Houston, Texas. Steven received his Ph.D. in economics with an emphasis on urban economics from the University of Houston in 1994. His master’s degree is also from the University of Houston and he holds a bachelor’s degree from Harvard University.

About the Labor Radio Podcast Network

Launched in April 2020, the Labor Radio Podcast Network focuses on working class issues that are often overlooked in the corporate-controlled media. The goal of the network is to help raise the voices of working people and strengthen organized labor to demand and achieve better treatment from workplaces and elected officials.

The Labor Radio Podcast Network is both a one-stop shop for audiences looking for labor content and a resource for labor broadcasters and podcasters. Resources include a weekly podcast summarizing shows produced by network members, marketing on social media, a website listing network shows and how audiences can find them, a database for contacting expert guests, access to a private listserv for Network members, and a weekly video call to increase solidarity and support amongst members.

If you are a journalist interested in learning more or if you’re a labor radio or podcast producer and want to join the network, contact us at info@laborradionetwork.org.

Follow the conversation on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram using the hashtag #LaborRadioPod or visit the website at: https://www.laborradionetwork.org/.

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/LaborRadioNet/

TWITTER: https://twitter.com/laborradionet

INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/laborradionet/

WEEKLY PODCAST NETWORK SUMMARY: https://laborradiopodcastweekly.podbean.com/

Video and audio was produced by Evan Papp of Empathy Media Lab.


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