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Not Just Viruses: Epidemic Cinema and Working-Class Vulnerability - Labor Goes to the Movies

Elise and Chris talk pandemics, movies and class with Tom Zaniello, a film and media scholar who has written several books on films about work and class, including Working Stiffs, Union Maids, Reds, and Riffraff, The Cinema of Globalization, and The Cinema of the Precariat. He recently posted Not Just Viruses: What Epidemic Cinema Teaches Us about Working-Class Vulnerability on the Working Class Perspectives blog.

Includes clips from District 9, Brother From Another Planet and Contagion. Outro clip from Brother From Another Planet.

Labor Goes to the Movies is produced by Chris Garlock and the video is edited by Evan Papp of Empathy Media Lab.

Contagion - "Don't Touch Anyone" Scene

District 9 - Trailer

The Brother From Another Planet - Wanna See A Card Trick?


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