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AFL- CIO Georgia President Charlie Flemming & SMART Local 33 Organizing Director Eli Baccus

Full Livestream

Labor Radio Podcast Network’s Weekly Wednesday Livestream interviews labor leaders about current labor issues with rotating hosts made up of network members.

On December 2nd, hosts Tanya Hutchins of Activate L!VE and Jeremy Waugh of The Break Time Breakdown interviewed AFL- CIO Georgia President Charlie Flemming on the upcoming Senate runoff and SMART Local 33 Organizing Director Eli Baccus on how Ohio is changing the face of organizing amid #COVID19.

AFL- CIO Georgia President Charlie Flemming


SMART Local 33 Organizing Director Eli Baccus

Additional Media:

RadioLabour Solidarity News: The rise of the fascist far right; Building a trade union response: https://www.radiolabour.net/lr-071220.html

Rick Smith of the Rick Smith Show reads Labor History in 2:00:The Cordiner Doctrine


“Working Class War” by Hudson Falcons https://youtu.be/kDU87HxAYfM

“None of Us are Free” by DC Labor Chorus - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_PymAc3fog


Hosts Tanya Hutchins of Activate L!VE and Jeremy Waugh of The Break Time Breakdown

Executive Producer Chris Garlock of Union City Radio

Sound engineer, broadcast producer, and editing by Evan Matthew Papp of Empathy Media Lab.

About the Labor Radio Podcast Network

The Labor Radio Podcast Network is both a one-stop shop for audiences looking for labor content and a resource for labor broadcasters and podcasters. Resources include a weekly podcast summarizing shows produced by network members, marketing on social media, a website listing network shows and how audiences can find them, a database for contacting expert guests, access to a private listserv for Network members, and a weekly video call to increase solidarity and support amongst members.

Launched in April 2020, the Labor Radio Podcast Network focuses on working class issues that are often overlooked in the corporate-controlled media. The goal of the network is to help raise the voices of working people and strengthen organized labor to demand and achieve better treatment from workplaces and elected officials.

If you are a journalist interested in learning more or if you’re a labor radio or podcast producer and want to join the network, contact us at info@laborradionetwork.org.

Follow the conversation on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram using the hashtag #LaborRadioPod or visit the website at: https://www.laborradionetwork.org/.

WEEKLY PODCAST NETWORK SUMMARY: https://laborradiopodcastweekly.podbean.com/


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