Voices from the Centennial March to Blair Mountain - Organized by the United Mine Workers of America
My Father, John Gregory Papp's Birthday August 26, 1945 
Laborem Exercens (Through Work) - Faith and Labor Episode 4
Dylan James Brock Author of Roosevelt, Michigan - EMLab Artist Profiles
Grassroots Comedy DC with Chris Blackwood - EMLab Artist Profiles
Author Nicole McCandless's new children’s book Down on James Street - Published by Hard Ball Press
Author Alejandra Domenzain's new children’s book Para Todos For All - Published by Hard Ball Press
Before the Gates - Daniel K - PsyOp - Artist Profiles - Excerpt
Second Vatican Council’s Gaudium Et Spes - Pope Francis in Iraq - Faith and Labor (Ep.3)
The World Owes Me Something - Daniel K - PsyOp - EXCERPT TWO
Bang My Head Against The Wall - Daniel K - PsyOp - EXCERPT
Daniel K of PsyOp Debut Album Howl from the Void - EML’s Artist Profiles
Subsidiarity and the State - Quadragesimo Anno - Faith and Labor Ep.2
Rights and Duties of Capital - Rerum Novarum - Faith and Labor (Episode 1 Pilot)
Religions at the Service of Fraternity in our World - Fratelli Tutti Chapter 8 - Belief Street
Paths of Renewed Encounter - Fratelli Tutti Chapter 7 - Belief Street
Dialogue and Friendship in Society - Fratelli Tutti Chapter 6 - Belief Street
A Better Kind of Politics - Fratelli Tutti Chapter 5 - Belief Street
A Heart Open to the Whole World - Fratelli Tutti Chapter 4 - Belief Street
Envisaging and Engendering an Open World - Fratelli Tutti Chapter 3 - Belief Street