Labor Radio examines the unprecedented corporate misinformation campaign that led California voters to approve a landmark anti-worker ballot measure.
On Building Bridges, Black Voters Matter Fund cofounder Cliff Albright on how to "increase power in our communities."
Grit NorthWest is a Carpenters Union podcast and one of the newest members of the Labor Radio Podcast Network; this week they answer the question “Dude, Where's our reps?” In the wake of the horrific devastation of the Almeda Fire, the Brain Labor Report visits with contractor Anthony Kirtz about plans to clean up and rebuild with an emphasis on local jobs in Oregon’s Rogue Valley.
And CTU Speaks! looks back at the 2019 Chicago teachers strike, not just all that the teachers won, but all that they have yet to realize.
We wrap up with two shows that feature inspiring music this week: Activate L!ve interviewed the producer and director of “Stand!”, the movie musical which premieres December 1 in 46 states across the country; and the San Francisco Mime Troupe recently wrapped up their great radio drama Tales of the Resistance: Will the Resistance become a Revolution, or will the fascist corporate overlords maintain their control over the workers?
Highlights from labor radio and podcast shows around the country, part of the national Labor Radio Podcast Network of shows focusing on working people’s issues and concerns.
#LaborRadioPod @bbridgesradio @GritNw @CtuSpeaks @MachinistsUnion @SFTroupers
Edited by Evan Papp and Patrick Dixon; produced and hosted by Chris Garlock; social media guru: Harold Phillips