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Labor Radio Podcast Network Weekly

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On this week’s show…

If we tell the people that Amazon doesn't care about black lives and they should stop buying from Amazon, how is Jeff Bezos going to make his $13 billion in a day? WorkWeek Radio covers the August 1 caravan and shutdown of the Amazon warehouse in San Leandro, California over health and wage issues.

Learning is absolutely critical, but we needed to make sure our students and staff are safe. Kansas City Federation of Teachers’ union president Andrea Flinders talks with the Heartland Labor Forum about going back to school during the pandemic.

I said, let's start bringing the hammer down to show the company that we are paying attention this time and that we are standing together and that we're not willing to go without a fight. Maine native and shipbuilder Jami Bellefleur talks with the Working People podcast about her life and work, and about the ongoing strike at Bath Iron Works. Unions have played a big role in producing a sort of interracial solidarity based labor movement and we try to show this statistically. On the Valley Labor Report, researcher Jake Grumbach discusses a new study about the effects of union membership on racial resentment.

We could be in a situation now where a lot of people are going to have to upgrade their skills because the sector that they relied on, maybe won't come back or it's not going to come back for a very long time. Dave Megenhardt, Executive Director for the United Labor Agency in Cleveland, Ohio, talked with America’s Work Force Radio this week about the virtual job training fair it hosted recently.

The factory closed down, the boss moved it to some other country. Now pop is cranky all the time, him and mom fight, and pop says it's all because of capitalism. Little Jimmy finds out what cookies have to do with capitalism in the latest episode of Tales of the Resistance from the San Francisco Mime Troupe.


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